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Sailboat Jokes

A young woman was very depressed and decided to end it all by throwing herself into the sea. just as she was about to do so, a handsome sailor ran down to the shore. "there is so much you could do with you life," he told her. "in fact, my ship is sailing for america in the morning. i'll smuggle you. Funny boat jokes. american jokes boat when crossing the delaware river why did george washington stand up in the boat? find more jokes in: history jokes. boat jokes george washington jokes river jokes washington jokes. a whole family was caught in a small boat find more jokes in: jokes for kids and children.. Sailing jokes. back to: sports jokes. what do you call the fastest sailboat in the world? usain boat. why is sailing like sex? when it's good, it's really, really good. and when it's's still pretty good. row row your boat a blonde is driving along a deserted country road with fields on either side..

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Sailing humor – soak into a selection of hilarious

An american businessman was at the pier of a small coastal mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna.. Jokes for kids: sailboat joke. funny sailboat jokes and tons of jokes for kids at funny jokester. featuring new kids jokes with hidden answers! what did the ocean say to the sailboat? funny jokester has the funniest new sailboat jokes and jokes for kids! answer: nothing. it just waved!. 3 blonde girls are on an isalnd and they are much to far away from land to swim, they find a genie on the island who offers them each 1 wish the first girl says “i wish i was smart enough to get off this island” so the genie makes her a redheaded girl, she cuts down a tree, makes it into a boat, and proceeds to row off the island..

sailboat jokes


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